EMI Absorbing Products

EMI Absorbing Products

EMI absorbing (EMI suppression) converts radio wave energy into thermal energy using the principles of magnetic loss, dielectric loss, and conduction loss.
EMI absorber (EMI suppressor) is very versatile and can be used for various purposes.
By attaching an absorber to the inside of the metal frame (chassis), it is possible to prevent mutual interference of electromagnetic waves through the reflection of the frame and prevents signal overlap due to diffuse reflection inside the test box so that it can increase the accuracy of signal measurement.

Noise Suppression Sheet
Microwave Absorber Sheet (Magnetic Sheet)

Noise suppression sheet suppresses interference between circuits in electronic devices or control the dielectric coupling between adjacent components to minimize noise that causes malfunction of electronic devices.

NFC/RFID Magnetic Sheet
Noise Suppression Sheet for RFID/NFC

NFC/RFID magnetic sheet is suitable for Near Field Communication (NFC), Wireless Power Charger (WPC), and Magnetic Security Transmission (MST).

Hybrid Thermal/EMI Absorber
Thermal Conductive EMI Absorber

Hybrid Thermal/EMI absorber has both the characteristics of a heat conduction sheet (heat dissipation pad) and an EMI absorbing function.